Signature Arrangement


Our most popular arrangement. Make an impact.

A celebration of this moment in time. Wild and natural these arrangements reflect the best of the season.

Lift your spirit and make the everyday extraordinary.

Ideal for an entryway, kitchen table or side table.

Color palette varies from week to week, please specify any special request.

Pick up available Thur-Sat 10am-4pm at the shop.

Delivery available in a 20 miles radius from Amenia, NY everyday.

Please allow 48h for us to create your arrangement. Need your order sooner? Call or email the shop (845) 514-5894.

Have something else in mind? Call or Email to inquire at

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Our most popular arrangement. Make an impact.

A celebration of this moment in time. Wild and natural these arrangements reflect the best of the season.

Lift your spirit and make the everyday extraordinary.

Ideal for an entryway, kitchen table or side table.

Color palette varies from week to week, please specify any special request.

Pick up available Thur-Sat 10am-4pm at the shop.

Delivery available in a 20 miles radius from Amenia, NY everyday.

Please allow 48h for us to create your arrangement. Need your order sooner? Call or email the shop (845) 514-5894.

Have something else in mind? Call or Email to inquire at

Our most popular arrangement. Make an impact.

A celebration of this moment in time. Wild and natural these arrangements reflect the best of the season.

Lift your spirit and make the everyday extraordinary.

Ideal for an entryway, kitchen table or side table.

Color palette varies from week to week, please specify any special request.

Pick up available Thur-Sat 10am-4pm at the shop.

Delivery available in a 20 miles radius from Amenia, NY everyday.

Please allow 48h for us to create your arrangement. Need your order sooner? Call or email the shop (845) 514-5894.

Have something else in mind? Call or Email to inquire at